The Artist
The “bjh” stands for Brittney J(ust awesome?) Hall
Among other things, I’m a (mostly*) self-taught mixed media and found materials artist. I live in Portland, Oregon with my husband and Calypso, the cat who adopted us. We live in an old house that we renovated mostly ourselves so we could have home-improvement horror stories to tell at dinner parties.
I’m also a writer who loves symbolism and word magic, which means that I’m all about layers, literally and metaphorically. Layers of color, layers of media, layers of meaning. I’m enamored of many different kinds of media and styles, and experimenting with both, and my art reflects that, ranging from whimsical to abstract. My process is intuitive and personal, and I often don’t know what it’s going to become until it’s finished. Story of my life, really.
*(I benefited in my earlier years from some truly outstanding art teachers and mentors and terrific public school art classes, which encouraged my interest and introduced me to varieties of materials and styles. There are lots of people like me whose creativity was and is nurtured by dedicated public school teachers, so please keep funding arts education in public schools.)
Growth through expression
Several years ago, during a difficult time working through hard things, I dug out my old art supplies that were boxed up at the bottom of a closet and started an art journal. As I filled that journal, and all the journals that followed, the pages of paint and pencil and glued scraps from old books became a way to see myself differently, learn how to treat myself with compassion, and recognize my growth. They were a place to play and experiment and try something that might not turn out the way I wanted. They were a chronicle of me as the work in progress I will always be.
Along the way, art helped rekindle my secret, long-held desire for a creative life — a life where making things that resonate with people is my job description, networking involves meeting other people doing their own awesome creative things, and quality of life is the only measurement for “return on investment”. It emboldened me to take big risks to shift my path in profound ways. It led to Wishmoon Studio.
I know first-hand the power of creative expression, the ways it can both heal and affirm, encourage and empower. My hope is that by sharing these place-markers from my own continuing journey, others will find something that resonates with them, as well.
The path is always easier when we know we're not alone.
“Artist, writer, podcast addict, total Marvel nerd. I pack neatly organized lunches in pretty boxes and I only eat M&M’s in multiples of 5.”
Be the change
A lot of my pieces are meant as reminders that we are stronger together, to practice those wise words to “be the change you wish to see in the world”. Whether it’s by learning to love and accept yourself, to stand up as an ally for others, or to do the hard work of making the world a better place, we are all stones thrown in a pond, effecting change one ripple at a time.