onward little sparrow
This was an early and quick little Bitty Girl piece several years ago I did on a thin scrap of card stock. It was a message I made for myself when I needed some encouragement to keep pressing ahead, even though I felt like I wasn’t getting anywhere.
Whew! It’s been a busy few days getting packages put together and sent off, but there are now large, thick envelopes with “Wishmoon Studio” written on them winging their way through the United States Postal System to places near and far. I CAN’T BELIEVE THAT’S A THING THAT’S HAPPENING NOW.
I’m so excited for everyone to get their packages! In other news, shipping people’s orders is a wee bit stressful. Did I put the right orders in the right envelopes? Did I address it correctly? Did I misspell the name? All these potential points of failure!
Time for me to reread The Gifts of Imperfection, I see….
In the meantime, it’s back to the studio to work on some new things to add to the shop, and do what I can to keep this little boat upright and sailing in some general direction. Onward!