creativity reboot


It's been a really long while since I did a journal page. Too long. I've been spending most of my spare time for the last few months working on the final details to launch (so close!!), and I've been feeling a little creatively thinned out lately.

Which has, ironically, made me less productive on finalizing details of my launch. Like a computer that needs a reboot once in awhile, I need a little creative release to get out some of that stuff that's rattling around in my head when my hands are otherwise occupied and my brain is freed up to nibble away at some of those big life things that take years to process. And to remember the value in them, that these are the things that make us.

#vulnerabilityisstrength #resilience #inspirationquotes #thiscreativelife #somethingshappeninghere #signofthingstocome #wishmoonstudio #artjournaling #mixedmediaart #assemblageart #artistsofinstagram

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